Following the success of the free open session on 2nd July, I am delighted to announce that we can indeed go ahead as the newest choir in Farnborough!!
Farnborough Grange Community School have shared that they would be happy to have us at their venue every Wednesday evening from 6pm-8pm, so our opening night will be 12th July (my son's 16th birthday no less, that's how dedicated I am).
So, from 12th July, we will be rehearsing every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm - aaaaaaaaahhh!!
At the open session, vouchers were handed out in order for you to bring along friends and/or family for a free session so that they can Try Before They Buy. Alternatively, you can direct them here in to book themselves in for a free taster session when they are ready.
As the first week is a freebie, what's stopping you from coming along and getting involved even more?
If you loved the taster and are confident that you would like to join, simply click here to add yourself to the register - yes, you will still get your first week for free.
Free, freebies and more freeness - what's not to love?
I am so stoked that this is happening and I can't wait to see you all on the 12th!
Nat x
P.S - if anyone knows of a pianist that would be happy to accompany us weekly and would accept payment in Quavers and tea, please do drop me a line!
(I'm joking about the quavers.)